New controlling plugin


Cyrill Matenaers
Added over 6 years ago

Would be great to have a bit more statistics in RedmineUP ecosystem.

For example:

  • show invoiced activities per user in specified time range
  • show invoiced products in specified time range
Kirill Bezrukov over 6 years

What do you mean as invoiced activities? Billed time entries or issues?
I think, that invoiced products can be fetched by adding a new filter for products list like "Invoiced at". What do you think?

Austin Patchen over 3 years


I have had a support issue open for over a month for simple Helpdesk configuration problem to get email automatically checking with a cronjob.

I've read the support KB article and it is not working.

Think you can get on your team to get it dealt with; I think a month is quite to long after how well the Redmine community has been to you.