Help & Support

14 item(s) tagged by crm

Helpdesk conversation and Notes in issue

Each issue has 4 tabs - History, Notes, Property Changes, Support DiscussionThe History tab con...

CRM Ability to disable google maps links or use an alternative provider for address lookup

When using the Google Maps link for a contact address, name data and more is included in the URL....

CRM Plugin. Notes editing

When you need to edit an existing note that belongs to a Deal, it requires you to add again the d...

CRM plugin: Notes default creation

When notes are added to a deal, it is required to use the "Advanced" button to define the origin ...

CRM plugin - Deals export including notes

I have tried to export deals as a CSV file. I have found that the CSV includes a very limited amo...

  • crm

CRM plugin - adding tags to multiple contacts as a bulk operation

Adding tags to contacts is a very useful feature.Sometimes that same tag applies to several con...

  • crm

CRM plugin - Saved queries saving the List Style in Deals

The Deals view allows to save queries as many other views / pages.It would be great to include ...

  • crm

CRM plugin - Ability to configure the default display columns if Table selected

The CRM plugin allows to set what is the default List Style when you first open the Deals view. T...

  • crm

CRM plugin: Mandatory reason for "Closing Lost"

When a deal is lost, it is very useful to keep track of the reason.It would be very useful to h...

  • crm

CRM Contacts: this contact does not belong to the company anymore

Sometimes a contact in a customer company moves to another company. After that, the new company b...

  • crm

CMS plugin connecting form to Contacts in CRM plugin

It would be very useful to create a web page with the CMS plugin that includes a form to retrieve...

  • crm

Contacts Macro Postponed

Currently the Contact Macro is bindet to a Static ID or a Name. The macro could be used better if...

  • crm

[CRM plugin] Notes formatting options Planned

To whom it may concern, I would like to make a request to add additional feature to CRM plugin...

  • crm

Add Compnay contact field to project list query

In the project list, in the options section of the query, it is necessary to add the contact comp...

  • 1 answers
  • crm