Plugin incompatibility


Jean-Francois Simon
Added about 4 years ago

Dear support,

We bought Pro version of these plugins : Agile, Checklists, questions, zenedit
If I install one of them, I can't load page "settings" anymore.

I tried to add and remove them one by one, but everything is ok when the plugins mentioned above are uninstalled.

  Redmine version                4.1.1.stable.20697
  Ruby version                   2.5.1-p57 (2018-03-29) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
  Rails version        
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2
  Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
  Mailer delivery                smtp
  Subversion                     1.9.7
  Git                            2.17.1
Redmine plugins:
  redmine_checklists             3.1.18
  redmine_code_review            1.0.0
  redmine_edit_custom_fields     0.0.5
  redmine_questions              1.0.2
  redmine_scrum_cards            1.0.1
  redmine_zenedit                2.0.0

Here is the error message:

ActionView::Template::Error (super: no superclass method `project_settings_tabs' for #<#<Class:0x00007fd029703a18>:0x00007fd028f1ca48>
Did you mean?  project_settings_tabs_with_checklists):
    1: <h2><%=l(:label_settings)%></h2>
    3: <%= render_tabs project_settings_tabs %>
    5: <% html_title(l(:label_settings)) -%>

plugins/redmine_code_review/lib/code_review_projects_helper_patch.rb:22:in `project_settings_tabs'
plugins/redmine_checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/projects_helper_patch.rb:37:in `project_settings_tabs_with_checklists'
plugins/redmine_code_review/lib/code_review_projects_helper_patch.rb:22:in `project_settings_tabs'
plugins/redmine_edit_custom_fields/lib/projects_helper_patch.rb:30:in `project_settings_tabs'
app/views/projects/settings.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_projects_settings_html_erb___1958431387452104592_70266008431380'
lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:65:in `sudo_mode'

Can you help or give me some hint please ?
I got no answer from support email since 31 Dec.

Best regards,

Dimitar Chervenakov almost 4 years

Hello. More deeper investigation is needed for the solution of this problem. Please contact our support team at (and please specify what is the discussion about). Thanks.

Answers (3)


Jean-Francois Simon
Added about 4 years ago


- just a short update -
i got some support from RedmineUP asking me to test first with only RedminUP plugins.
it runs without errors.

then i added the other plugins and saw that the code_review has a bug.
sudo nano plugins/redmine_code_review/lib/code_review_projects_helper_patch.rb
  1. replace
    def project_settings_tabs
  2. by
    def code_review_project_settings_tabs
    see for details

it solves my issue.
Thanks !

Best regards,

Dimitar Chervenakov almost 4 years

I highly appreciate the effort you put for finding the solution as well as your feedback. Glad to know that the plugin is running as expected now. :)

However, if any other questions or problems arise, please don't hesitate to contact us again at .

Have a great and successful day!


(none) (none)
Added almost 3 years ago

Still broken


Added over 2 years ago

@Jean-Francois Simon : Thanks a lot!
