New features in Redmine Invoices plugin
See what's new in the latest versions of our Invoices plugin
New Features
Include Products into Invoice lines
If your Redmine instance has installed the Products plugin, you can add your products to an invoice line. Once products are added, its price will be loaded automatically. You can also comfortably go to the products page using the link in the products name.

Custom Fields for Invoice lines
Each invoice line (description row) can contain Custom Fields now. They allow you to include additional data such as for instance license number, client number, the due date for products/service subscription. You can also use them in the custom invoice templates using the Liquid markup language.

Perdiodal Invoices
For recurring, repetitive payment, you can automatically set and pay invoices. They can be applied for repetitive daily, weekly, monthly and yearly payments.

Pay by PayPal functionality added
In the public Invoice view, you can see the "Pay Online" button. This lets your client pay immediately through PayPal for the billing after receiving it.