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NoMethodError (undefined method `agile_sprints' for #<Project:0x0000xxxx>)
I have following problem when accessing the burndown chart. Can you help? redmine_1 | F, ...
Reporter Plugin: images are not showed for subtask
After many problems with reports and images, I have verified with a simple template that the prob...
No Image problem exporting PDF
I already sent you a mail about this problem. I am using the Report Plugins.And i made the R...
Not able to download the plugin from the link that I have received in email.
RedmineUP Agile and easy wbs plugins don't seem to like each other :(
Hi there, I have the redmineUP Agile and easy wbs plugins installed side by side and everythin...
No answer from Support Team since 2 weeks / CRM pro PlugIn
Hi Does everybody have the same problem as I have? I bought a Pro License for the CRM Plugin,...
agile plugin doesn't work with easy redmine (easy gantt plugin) and etc..
agile plugin uses `alias_method`, and there is compatibility problem.Would you please check the...
Error 500 when use redmine 4.2.0 with Agile plugin
Dear Admin I installed Redmine with infor below, but when I install plugin Agile plugin Light v...
Problem with Gem redmine_crm 0.0.62 after upgrade to Redmine 5.0.7
Updated redmine to the 5.0.7 version and follwed the steps at
redmine 4.2.3: redmine_cms 1.2.2: Breaks pdf thumbnails
With redmine_cms 1.2.2 installed, pdf thumbnails don't load correctly. After removing the plugin...
Organization Chart not showing in full in People Plugin
I don't get a multi-level Org Chart in the Organization Chart view of the People Plugin. I have a...
No contacts from days from remineUP, are they still in business?
on 29th april 2021 i've sent an email to REDMINEUP, no answers.on 30th april 2021 've sent anot...
relation "agile_ranks_pkey" does not exist
I am upgrading redmine-3.3 to redmine-4.0.3database: postgresql also, i have downloaded las...
Check Pivot Table page makes RedmineUP Tags plugin error
Version Redmine 4.0.4.stable.18405 Ruby version 2.5.1-p57 (2018-03-29) [x...
new gem redmineup makes RedmineUP Plugins unusable
The shortly released plugin versions for Agile and CRM depend on a gem named redmineup. In form...
Using Agile Board Order in Issue Lists
Hi Is it possible to use the order from a backlog board in a common redmine issue lists?If y...
Installation problems (light version) Redmineup_tags and redmine_agile plugins in redmine 4.0.3
Hi, I have the following error when I install the redmineup_tag plugin : Installed version...
404 error when copying issues with active Agile module
Hi, i have a 404 error when I copy 2 or more issues. The error occurs when the Agile module is en...
CRM plugin | Syncronotiation of contacts with a CardDav server
Is there a way to synchronise the contacts from CRM with a CardDav server? I have only found info...
Error 500 for Redmine Agile-plugin when showing charts
I have installed Redmine Agile Light. I installed it on Redmine 4.0.5 on a Ubuntu 18.04. Whe...
Issue with tabs in redmine_contacts
The tabs are not showed correctly, buttons and information is lost after the switch between tabs...
checklist plugin not working on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Hello, I have an issue with the checklist-plugin .Dimitar (Support) sended me a new plugin v...
In Redmine Q&A plugin (PRO version), when I try to create a new question, I get an internal error.
The production.log when the error occurs is as follows Processing by QuestionsController#creat...
Attachments auto upload to drive?
We use RedmineUp in an inbound call-centre environment and have a dedicated email address to whic...
CMS Plugin not working
After unzip Plugin_cms light in Plugins folder and Apache restart, dont load Redmine in the Brow...