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General settings for Questions plugin

Questions plugin settings.

To access the plugin's general settings, go to Administration > Plugins, find Redmine Q&A plugin in the list and select Configure.

In the General tab you will find the following options:
  • Vote own questions - enables users to vote on messages created by themselves;
  • Show popular articles in section - When disabled, section names and descriptios will be displayed at the Help & Support tab of a project. When enabled, instead of a description a list of up to five threads with the most views will appear for each section, with priority to the most recent.

In the Idea statuses tab you can define the possible statuses for ideas. This is similar to the status of a ticket. You can create a new status, or edit, delete and rearrange current ones.


When editing a message in a section of type Ideas, you will be able to set its status to one of those specified above.


The status of an idea is visible as a tag next to its name.


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