Increase transparency
Get simple and compelling reports in just a few clicks. Share, archive or print issues status and updates easily
Automated reports
Save at least an hour a week on preparing the reports. Reporter lets you generate and send them automatically
Customizable Templates
Use provided designs or build and customize your templates with branding, layout, fields any ways you want
Include all the data
Your reports can include all issues' data, Redmine custom fields and other, such as time entries and notes
Public access by links
Safely share single or aggregated reports of a range of Redmine issues via public links without violating security. Clients or employees can access and see only the provided report and nothing else

Send reports by email
With Redmine Reporter plugin, each report can be shared by email right from Redmine in just a click

Attach reports to issues
You can easily attach generated reports to the history of an issue to keep track of what updates you already shared

Redmine | 6.0 - 4.0 |
Ruby | 3.7 - 2.0 |
Database | SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server |
OS | Linux, OS X, Windows |
Browsers | Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox |
Over 150 000 companies from 120 countries use RedmineUP plugins, themes and services
All features:
Export single and multiple issues to PDF
Select template for single and multiple issue export
Dynamic reports for saved queries
Export from issue page and filtered query results
Set permission schemes, templates configured per user or per project
Email the Report or attach to the issue
Export comments, notes, time entries and subtasks
Time entries reports
Powered by Liquid markup language
Import/Export templates
What People Say About RedmineUP

Modules are simple, easy to install, and what's more use and support is just awesome! We have been using the plugins from RedmineUP for last 4 years and we're very happy with the support and upgrades we are getting from you guys
— Krunal Jariwala, CEO Xcellence-IT

We have over 50.000 issues and over 500 contacts in our Redmine. I like that the plugins are covering other processes as well, not only the ones related to the development process, and they are enabling various implementations or integrations. Regarding the business needs, I think that RedmineUP plugins are a good starting point.
— Marius Balteanu, Head of Quality Assurance & Partner Zitec

In we use Redmine fo projects portfolio management and system maintenance. We use several RedmineUP's plugins: Agile, Helpdesk, People. I am very pleased with their functionality and the transparency of the user interface.
— Adam Rataj, Director of Software Development Department

See sample reports

Issue with notes
Download template
Issue with time entries
Download template