Redmine 5.0: New Updated Version Review

 |  May 27, 22


Being one of the most popular flexible project management tools Redmine always implements regular updates including the major version upgrade. .

Redmine 5.0 was released about a month ago. This version comes with several changes including some major updates.

Below we will briefly review the most noteworthy improvements for you to get better idea whether it makes sense to upgrade to Redmine 5.0 or not.

In total there are 9 major improvements on the list. Some of them are pretty important, because they may cause compatibility issues with outdated Plugins.

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So if you don’t want to waste time and prefer to use a Ready-to-go Redmine solution with many plugins included and already upgraded to the 5.0 version, you can try our RedmineUP Cloud hosting for free.

Those who use an on-premise Redmine solution and want to upgrade themselves should be confident that all RedmineUP Plugins support the updated Redmine 5.0 version, providing full compatibility and smooth running.

Let’s look into the details of what's new.

1. Migrate to Rails 6.1 with Zeitwerk autoloading.

Switching to Zeitwerk autoloader breaks some plugins and requires plugin developers to fix the compatibility issues. This brings general improvement in application performance but may also cause compatibility issues with already installed plugins.

Migrate to secure hosting

Don't waste your time on Redmine maintenance. Hire experts and focus on your projects

2. Introduced CommonMark Markdown (GitHub Flavored) formatter as an alternative to existing Markdown formatter based on Redcarpet.

This leads to keeping the formatting the same regulated for all occasions.

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3. Users can be mentioned now using @ autocomplete by other users with add watchers' permission.

The person will be notified by email when mentioned.

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4. Issue custom query: default query per instance, project, and user.

5. Default project custom query.

You can now create different custom query views.

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You may find it very convenient because within your query you can also group results by many parameters, including Company custom fields.

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Moreover, you can set up your query as a default one for the whole project or your view.

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6. Ability to add watchers to Wiki pages

The notification is sent to all Watchers while a separate Wiki page was updated.

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7. Issues can now be filtered by notes or by file description.

This one should be very useful to find some issues by exact words in Notes or File descriptions.

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8. The "Contains" operator now supports multiple search items. Using wildcard characters (_ or %) is no longer supported.

Now you can filter by multiple words, separated by a comma. It works as an AND operator.

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9. Two-factor authentication improvements

You can enable it only for certain groups or for users with administration rights. Users list contains now the 2FA status as a column and as a filter option.

Migrate to secure hosting

Don't waste your time on Redmine maintenance. Hire experts and focus on your projects

The easiest way to use the upgrade Redmine 5.0?

Сonsider migrating to a cloud-hosted version of Redmine, where you work on an automatically updated version of the Redmine with plugins and maintenance included. If you're interested in migrating a self-hosted Redmine to a Cloud, follow this page to see the details.

In case you will conduct an upgrade to the new version yourself, you might be always sure that all of Our Plugins are adopted for Redmine 5.0.

Share in the comments, which version are you using right now. We'd love to hear if any Redmine problems are limiting your work? Are you already planning to upgrade your Redmine?

Customer story

With new [Redmine] functionalities and RedmineUP help, we were able to operatively steamed up our processes