Installing on Redmine Bitnami stack (Linux)

Linux Redmine Bitnami Stack

1. Go to plugins folder

$ cd /opt/redmine-[version]/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins

2. Copy plugin there

3. Unarchive plugin

$ unzip redmineup_cms-[version]

4. Run use_redmine script

$ cd ../../../
$ ./use_redmine
$ cd apps/redmine/htdocs

5. Intall required gems

To avoid gem freezing during installation use option --no-deployment

$ bundle install --without development test --no-deployment

6. Migrate database

$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmineup_cms RAILS_ENV=production

7. Restart Redmine application

$ sudo /opt/redmine-[version]/ restart

Video demonstration

Important: Currently, the plugin is renamed from "redmine_cms" to "redmineup_cms". In the below video old name is used. Please refer to the guide above in order to see the steps with the new name.

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