From Reporter 2.0.0 version, the following feature was added - with_formating filter. It is a great new option that allows text formatting to be available on the report. Let's take a look at the following example to see how it works.
We have the following text formatting in an issue.
*Items in bold* _Or in italics_ +Use underline+ _*Or even bold italic*_ Add colour %{color:red}to words% %{background:lightgreen}Add colourful% %{background:yellow} backgrounds%
The issue itself after saving looks like this.
So, we go to Administration - Plugins - Reporter - Reporter Templates - New Report Template to create a new one and insert the following code:
The issue description is: {{issue.description | with_formatting}}
The code will print the description of the issue and include the text formatting.
Note: Please note that the text formatting option should be enabled in the Redmine main settings.