Help & Support

Reporter plugin, alow reports over Gantt

Default redmine Gantt export option to PDF or JPG is very limited.It would be cool if we could ...

Reporter plugin, improve feature - with_formating to manage imagens in-line

The reporter plugin already have a very cool feature {{issue.description | with_formatting}} that...

Add OpenPGP Encryption for Redmine Helpdesk Plugin

I would like to propose the addition of OpenPGP encryption support to the Redmine Helpdesk plugin...

Manage end-of-task email notifications

For me, it would be very useful to be able to manage the sending of end-of-task notifications on ...

redmine_people doesn't support redmine 6.x

redmine_people v1.6.8redmine 6.0.1ruby 3.1.6<pre>uninitialized constant ActsAsAttachableG...

  • 0 answers

Ability to automatically add predefined text from the template to the "Description" field when creating a "New issue"

I suggest adding the ability to automatically add predefined text from the template to the &quot;Descr...


Helpdesk plugin issue

I have been using Redmine 5.1.1 with Redmine CRM, Contacts and Helpdesk plugin without any proble...

redmineup_tags plugin doesn't support redmine 6.x

redmine 6.0.1redmineup_tags 2.0.14 <pre>expected file /opt/redmine/plugins/redmineup_tags/...

  • 0 answers

BUDGETS PLUGIN: Would like to have the costs be viewed in the "Report" tab under "Spent Time" On review

This would help to view massive data of projects in reports section and export it accordingly.


Sprint Field should be made mandatory for specific trackers. On review

This will help to ensure that is there are issues created they do lie in one of the sprints.

Function + On review

What is wrong with adding a + function to deals, orders, and invoices, as is the case with adding...


Q&A Plugin - Create an API to list questions or answers

Q&A Plugin - Create an API to list questions or answers


e-Invoice in invoice-plugin

European union pushes the e-invoice With 2025 Germany is already regulating the receipt of e-in...

Add more granual permissions on agile/backlog

When I want to give developers and the client the option to filter and manage cards for agile & b...


Error 500 ActionView::Template::Error (Mysql2::Error: Operand should contain 1 column(s):Operand should contain 1 column(s)

Hello We are trying to install RedmineUp Agile Pro Plugin on Redmine 4.0.4. Installation wo...

  • 1 answers

Zenedit plugin WYSIWYG edior with mentions

Would be nice to see WYSIWYG editor like tinymce.This feature will give editor redmine modern v...


collapsable board columns

Much like Jira, or for example Redmine Flux agile plugin, I like the idea where a column is prese...


Add permission to show/hide estimated times & spent times

Redmine core has a separate permission for viewing logged time. When this is not active for a s...


Inability to view modifications done in time input On review

The Redmine system allows the members of a project to modify their efforts done for a particular ...

Helpdesk settings suddenly not loading

Any page with Helpdesk settings and getmail are no longer loading: Examples: ../proje...

  • 0 answers

Report creation for certain user groups or roles On review

I would like the feature to allow me to create and send reports only for certain user groups or r...

Custom Report schedules On review

I would like the feature of user-defined schedules for sending the reports. for example weekly ev...

Agile board: Add Custom fields to Swimlanes dropdown too

We added custom fields to our Redmine such as &quot;Implementer&quot;.When an Implementer completed the t...

Auto-Submitted e-mails are ignored at the import

We are handling all e-mails of a specific mailbox in redmine using the Helpdesk plugin. The probl...

  • 0 answers

Plugin Budget - filter by activity time

Hello, suggested improvementsFilter the time spent by the budget plugin according to activity...

(1-25/222) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500