How to Choose a Database Backend for Your Redmine?

 |  Dec 27, 22


The term «backend» is essential in the sphere of software development, Redmine not being an exception. .

Since the IT market keeps developing, the meal of choice is guaranteed in any area. So, today we are going to cover up a hot topic, namely, how to select the best database backend for your Redmine. Buckle up!

With this article, you will learn the following:

What Is a Backend Database?

Backend Database is an indispensable component of the backend infrastructure. It is a place for storing data that can be accessed by users only through an external application. Basically, it means that database backends do not include any macros or reports and do not retain your search history.


The introduction of two-tier configuration (backend and frontend) was a true breakthrough in web development, as it has significantly improved the work stability of applications and increased the number of users working concurrently. Meantime, if one user faced a bug and his workflow was temporarily suspended, it did not affect others.

However, the term «backend database» itself is considered to be redundant nowadays, as it has been replaced by another one, which is «enterprise database systems». According to the new client-server concept, any database acts independently and works with various applications, which automatically equals to the employment of backend databases.

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Why Is a Great Database Backend Crucial?

There is an erroneous judgment that since the database belongs to the backend and users do not interact with the server side directly, who really cares about it? Actually, the choice of a database makes a difference because your customers’ impressions depend on its quality and effectiveness.

Well, what are the consequences of using a poor database backend ?

Slow Page Loading

What turns off potential buyers more than the speed of a garden snail? Your web loading may slow to a crawl after selecting an incorrect database. It will inevitably complicate the purchase process, which is unacceptable for a commercial website.

Website Malfunction

You should understand that when your website has storage space running out with a poorly-built database, it is vulnerable to experiencing outages and processing failures. Of course, it is possible to increase your storage capacities but the effect will not last forever. We highly recommend you not spend money and choose a well-built backend database from the very beginning. It will certainly pay off sooner than you imagine.

MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or Microsoft SQL Server

Redmine has four supported database backends, but the reasonable question is how to make the right choice and go with the best option for your Redmine? Undoubtedly, it is a mere matter of taste: some IT developers prefer MySQL, others opt for PostgreSQL. Under no circumstances are we going to praise or scold a particular database. Rather, we will try to clear up some small but quite important details that you should bear in mind before the Redmine installation.


The first thing we are looking for is which database is working faster with Redmine. For this information, you may check the Redmine build logs: this section includes the testing results of the Ruby versions and various backend databases. According to these datasets, SQLite is our winner while the last spot goes to SQL Server.

However, the fastest one does not necessarily mean the best one. SQLite is known for its scalability issues because the database, unfortunately, works incorrectly in multi-user conditions. Unpleasant business for project management, isn't it?

Another point is the nativeness to the Redmine framework Ruby on Rails. Three databases, except Microsoft SQL Server, are natively supported by Ruby. As the name suggests, Microsoft SQL Server works only on Windows with two editions: the full version costs money and the free one is rather limited. Moreover, the backend database is not tested enough in comparison to the other three ones. Still, if you have already been its dedicated user, you can give it a try to incorporate Microsoft SQL Server into your Redmine.

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In case you do not want to overburden your mind with such technical nuances, you are always welcome to RedmineUP. With our Cloud version, there is no need in studying tons of sources in search of the best solution, because our professional specialists will be working on the technical maintenance of your website non-stop.

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