How to save time and money using RedmineUP Cloud?[Webinar]

 |  Feb 15, 19


This one tool can help you to save money, time and IT resources. We extracted experience from hundreds of Redmine implementations into a complex and complementary Redmine solution. You can get started and boost your business, with results visible the same week. .

During the free webinar, you will hear a Product Owner: Marti Aminov. We'll present the tool and explain what does the Cloud platform include how it can pave the way to optimized business costs and increased productivity. Questions that will be covered:

Part 1. What is RedmineUP Cloud platform?

Part 2. How to get started?

Part 3. Reasons and your benefits from moving to the Cloud

Part 4. Q&A

During the Q&A Marti will answer any questions and some of the most often related to Redmine hosting solution:

  • Where do we store the data?
  • Will it be better than my current Redmine hosting or self-hosted instance?
  • How to migrate to cloud from a self-hosted Redmine instance?
  • Can we build a custom instance?
  • Can you add popular plugins from a different vendor?

Migrate to secure hosting

Don't waste your time on Redmine maintenance. Hire experts and focus on your projects

Whether you're facing problems with Redmine, looking for a Redmine hosting, whether you want to use Redmine and outsource the maintenance, we are able to configure you the solution to your situation.

Try out the RedmineUP Cloud and register for the free 15-days trial today.

Customer story

I can fully recommend every plugin of RedmineUP. They save time, make Redmine a great CRM, and the team around RedmineUP is very helpful. Go give it a try. It is worth it!

— Christoph Ackerman, CEO

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