Add new deal

In order to add a new deal, go to Project -> Deals and click on New deal.

new deal.png

You will see some fields you will have to fill in with information.

new deal details.png

When creating a new deal, you have the possibility to add its category, the person responsible for the deal, customer contact or even estimate the probability of deal success. After you create a deal, there will be a link to add more contacts related to it - on the right sidebar.

add deals contact.png

You can also import deals from the .csv file - just click on Import and choose the file.

On the other hand, you can easily export deals, options for exporting can be found below the list of deals:

deals export.png

There are other ways to add a deal - you can go to contact's view, scroll down onto tab Deals under contact's name. You will see a link to New deal.

Please note, in order to let non-administrators import/export deals, you have to change permissions for these roles. You can do this in Administration -> Roles and permissions.

Both contacts and deals are project-related. That's why there is no way to add contact or deal from global contacts or deals pages.

How to add or change deal statuses

In order to learn about deal statuses, please check this article

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