Invoices Settings

In order to change the Invoices settings, you have to have the administrator's permission. Go to Administration and scroll down to Invoices.

General settings

general invoice settings.png

  • Invoice number format - this is the autogenerated number that appears on each of the invoices. You can modify it using the macros mentioned below. E.g. yearly ID means that if during the whole year you will create 100 invoices, the first one will have ID#1 and the last one ID#100. You can also use daily ID or monthly ID - they work very similarly.

invoice number.png

  • Public links - it enables client access (outside of Redmine) to the invoice. You can see a public link on each invoice if this setting is checked in. It contains a token that makes it possible for someone to see the invoice without having the Redmine account.

invoice public link.png

  • Per invoice templates - it means you can choose a specific template for each invoice

per invoice template.png

  • Invoice templates - you can choose a default template for the invoice from the dropdown. There is also a link to the custom templates page - you can create a new one. The invoice template is based on HTML code (with Liquid markup) which you provide in its content.

custom invoice template content.png

  • Lines grouping - this setting is about how you want to group time entries in the issues view. You can choose one or just decide you want to have access to all of them: by activity, by issue, by the user, single line, by time entry, by the estimated time.

invoice lines grouping.png

Example of grouping by activity

invoice lines grouping2.png

Example of grouping by a single line

invoices group by single line.png

Example of grouping by issue

invoices group by issue.png

Example of grouping by the time entry

invoices by time entry.png

Example of grouping by the user (issues can duplicate due to the fact that several people can work on one issue)

invoices by user.png

  • Show units - it adds an additional column with units on the invoice

invoices settings units.png

  • Discount after the tax - calculating discount after taxes are added to the amount
  • Contact extra field for an invoice - you can add an additional field to the invoice, like client VAT number

Email templates and Recurring email template

These tabs enable adding email templates for sending the invoice. In the Email templates tab, you can create various templates, using macros.

If you check current user email, it will be used for the from address field. You can also use any other email address for that.

Recurring email template helps you automate invoice email sending. If you check notify assigned user, such user will receive a notification email each time the invoice is sent. Check here how to use recurring invoice email templates.

invoice email templates.png

Online payments

Currently, Redmine offers online payments via Paypal. Here you can add your PayPal email.

Company profile

Here you can provide some information about your company, that will be visible on the invoice

invoice company profile.png

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