Getting mail by REST api (recommended)
1. Enable email web service
Enable WS for incoming emails and generate API key (Administration -> Settings -> Incoming email - API key)
2. Set incoming mail server params
3. Fetch email
Fetching email through HTTP GET request
$ wget -O -******************
Getting mail by rake task (higher CPU load)
1. Set incoming mail server params
2. Fetch email
Fetching email through ruby rake task
$ bundle exec rake redmine:email:helpdesk:receive RAILS_ENV=production
Add to cron in Linux
1. Create/edit the crontab file
Create a new crontab file, or edit an existing file
$ sudo crontab -e
2. Add command lines to the crontab file
Add the following line for every 5 minutes updates:
*/5 * * * * wget -O -************
Important: If you have a port specified, please do not forget to also set it into the command, example could be checked below:
*/5 * * * * wget -O -***********
Note: if you want to use one e-mail for all projects, you can use the Allow_override feature. It should be used only with bundle exec command and allow to change project, status, and assignee.